Wednesday, May 4, 2011

BlazinLuv Creations!: We are on a Roadtrip!

BlazinLuv Creations!: We are on a Roadtrip!: "We are on a Roadtrip by Emilan Meyers \ Only time will tell whether everything will go well. What is said, is said What ..."

We are on a Roadtrip!

We are on a Roadtrip by Emilan Meyers


Only time will tell whether everything will go well.
What is said, is said
What is done, is done
We  cant change the past
But we can strive  to better ourselves and our future
Making the best of what we have
Giving away all the we can:
Not taking anything for granted
Making the most of what we have, no matter how small
Giving all that and more
The world is our stage:
We must perform at our best
We practice and correct our wrongs
So that we cant  be blamed for spoiling the show
Now is the time for you and me
To do all that we can helping each other on this road trip*