Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pre -Winter Fashion 101

Winter has left some of us thinking we cant go out coz we aint got the right outfit, the right colours, the right shoes... here are some tips from the ordinary people of PTA on how to rock it.
ZoZo at ShortLeft Club.
Jeans and a white vintage blouse keeps you looking simple yet classy!

Katlego at Mabopane.
Not too formal not too casual.This is called the Smart Wear.
Ideal for partying!

Ms Edith at Mabopane.
Grey and Black are the colours of winter but heat it up with a tint of bright colour!

Kattz at ShortLeft.
There isnt an excuse to put away your shades in winter.
Rock em but keep em simple!

Ms Edith at TCE Campus.
Even when you going short rock the colour that fits the season.
Black, Grey, Purple and Blue are the way to go!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Safe place by Lebo Mashile

I will keep you in a safe place
Where the walls speak
And the doors don’t have locks
Where the roads intersect
And collisions are encouraged
Where each throbbing tremor
Is listened to
And the children never grow old
I will keep you in a safe place
Where heaven is beneath your feet
And hell is in the sky
And the road you’ve walked
Is your guide
The sweat on your back
The cracks on your heels
Are plastered to the walls

The walls never shut up
They speak you to yourself
They will find you
Between two covers
In the words between the lines
Our friends are pillars, our motivation when Kelly Rowland aint there to sing it to us.
Our friends are the people we are we just hate to admit it. what they like we do also. what they eat we do also. That new video by Beyonce we like the love it too. Trust and honour them. Respect and celebrate them for they will render to us the same! Party together, laugh together, work together, pray together but dont get it twisted dont do the same mistakes!