Friday, April 12, 2013

The Best advice on Happiness

While going through a homepage on the pc I was given when I started here 9 days back. I came across one of the most internationally read magazine's website. Tryed a few pages but the one that most caught my eye was about HAPPINESS.

Written by Kimberly Dawn Neumann an article in the Body and Soul section captured Me. I found myself looking really deep into what happiness is. It is really not that hard. All that we have to do is take a oment and reflect back on our blessings. Like come on not everyone globally has access to the internet. Thats a blessing. You are probally in the latest fashion clothing and in an office of a comfortable lab. Those are blessings enough.

Not to bore you with my cranky examples.... Here is a few of the advice on HAPPINESS.

The Simple Secret To Happiness

Photo from WWW
Studies have shown that no matter how much people already possess, they still focus primarily on what they want next, explains Gilbert. It's a trap researchers call the hedonic treadmill. You know: You finally get your dream couch, then immediately decide you 'need' a new lamp. Or that promotion comes through, but now you're gunning for a snazzier title.

To stop and take stock:
• Flip your brain: Instead of comparing yourself to people based on what you don't have (a friend's awesome job, J.Lo's body), turn around and look at what you do have that someone else might want, says Gilbert. You'll realise just how envy-worthy your life is.
• Start this bedtime ritual: Every night while brushing your teeth, think of three reasons your life is great right now, no matter how simple ('Cute guy smiled at me'). Okay, okay, it sounds dorky, but it will work - research has shown that consciously noting happy moments makes you feel more contented overall, says Schwartz
Don't think: Name the happiest you've been in the last year. You probably didn't say 'Looking at my great shoes,' even if they're your most prized possession. 'Research has found that once people's basic needs are met, having more stuff doesn't increase happiness,' says psychologist Dr Daniel Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness (Vintage). Cut down on clutter and you'll have more room to enjoy yourself.

Try this:
• Buy memories instead of things: When deciding whether to spend your cash on an item or an experience - say, a new designer dress versus a weekend trip with friends - go with the experience, says Gilbert. Most people think the outfit is the better choice because a getaway ends. But the trip will always stay perfect in your mind, while the item (suit, shoes, whatever) will eventually lose its lustre and be taken for granted.

• Live fast: Spend less time getting ready for your life and more time living it by using 'item rotation,' says psychologist Dr Barry Schwartz, author of The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less (Harper Perennial). If you have 10 work skirts, hide five of them so you have fewer choices to stress about each day. Once a month, swap them, and get rid of any you didn't miss while they were hidden.


• Do a digital detox: Being hooked to your BB, iPad and computer means constant pressure to stay in contact… without any face-to-face time. So, go on an occasional tech fast. Don't message people, turn off your cell when you're with someone, and only reply to urgent e-mails. 'You'll connect more with the people around you and feel more a part of your life,' says life coach, Dr Timothy J Moore.

Now that like Me you felt an edge to practice the methods to reach the highest level of HAPPINESS  do take that time tonight when brushing your teeth to reflect.

To read the rest friends you will have to visit their site