Friday, August 12, 2016

Born-frees talk about political climate

This piece was published by national newspapers The Star , Business Day and The New Age on 12 August 2016 in South Africa.
The current South African political climate is both exciting and titillating for every individual in the country surprisingly even for the “Born- frees”.
The last time young South African youth took part and showed this much interest it was over 20 years ago when Apartheid was diminished and Democracy proved to be a system that would not only let the country be ruled by its people yet brought some sort of equality amid all races.
All social media networks are flooded with messages, questions and statements from the youth who have positive and negative views about the current political atmosphere and it is great to see.
I believe that a country that has its youth involved and informed in its running; is a country with a optimistic future. This will in the long run benefit Mzansi.
I am looking at it in this way. If we educate our youth that when you are in a position of authority such as a President; Cabinet Minister or Mayor your duty is to serve and protect the people who put you in control and not to oppress and dismiss them.
We can teach our youth to be leaders who do not prioritise financial gain as they climb higher into political positions but to be leaders that will make informed decisions for the rest of us.
Let us encourage positive and constructive dialogue among the youth about politics and stop feeding those negative stories about how Apartheid will come back because the ANC did not get the majority votes in the big municipalities.

As we wait for the coalition results I quote the 2020 United Nations of America Presidential candidate Mr Kanye West: “Listen to the kids”

Article on Business Day Live :

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