Monday, November 25, 2013

The God that is Minnie Dlamini

The beauty that is Minnie. @MinnieDlamini
                 MINENHLE MINNIE DLAMINI                 
In these days of media hype and instant celebrity linked to reality TV shows, it is something of a rarity to find a carefully planned career taking off. Known for her strong work-ethic, humility and energetic, positive spirit; Actress, TV presenter, Radio DJ, Brand Ambassador, MC, & Fashionista - Minenhle Dlamini – popularly known as Minnie, has set herself apart from her peers.
Growing up, in Durban Minnie had always been involved in theatre productions and beauty pageants, while excelling at school. In 2010 her ambitious streak saw her beating thousands of hopefuls, in the nationwide search for a young and sassy presenter for SABC1’s music show, LIVE. At this time Minnie was in her 2nd year at the University of Cape Town.
Within months of being in Johannesburg, Minnie had landed a role as the sassy Miranda on Generations - his opened her up to a bigger audience. She further extended her brand ambitions by co-hosting SABC1’s lifestyle show for young people, Mzansi Insider. On this show we got to see more of her personality; which showed off her boyish streak whilst in heels. South Africa began to notice her, not just as pretty face, but an intellectual thinker who can hold her own with any topic.

Being one of THE “hottest” girls in SA, Minnie quickly learnt to be fashion savvy. Her experimental dress sense saw her being named the face of Legit, with her own fashion range, the Minnie-Series. It was not too long before MNET approached her to play the role of Zintle on The Wild. On 29 March 2012, Minnie had the honor of opening the nation’s longest running fashion platform, South African Fashion Week (SAFW). This was an evening that saw her being announced as the first, ever, face of international hair brand, Motions. She’s since worked with the brand’s international Ambassador, Ursula Stephen, who is known for creating global star Rihanna’s trendy hairstyles.
 It was also at this time that Metro FM announced her as co-host of the Metro FM Experience every Saturday (12-3pm). She is also currently the for Teach Children To Save South Africa (TCTSA) and also JeepSA Ambassador.
extracted from Wikipedia

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pokella - The Chase

Big Brother The Chase (Season 8)

With a large group of African hunks and Barbie dolls under one roof it is quite hard to stand out. One lady that has made waves throughout the continent is Pokello.

In Pokello's words!
"I am happy to be here. Whenever you see me in the house you will know that it is show time," she said. She described herself as the "queen of swag" and the "chief executive of Addicted to Shoes label." Regarding her sex tape that went viral, Pokello said she was in the house to "tell her own story" and "write her own history".

"The media has been making false assumptions about me but I am here to prove them wrong and write my own history," said Pokello.
Shoe Lady
Harare-born Pokello has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Media and Communications and owns a luxury shoe boutique. She enjoys pasta, spaghetti bolognaise and prawn cocktail.

She describes herself as “dynamic, captivating, intelligent, beautiful & hilarious” and says that the best thing about her is that she’s head-strong and a woman of real substance. “When I speak, I speak with depth and confidence,” she says. She admires people who are selfless and filled with humility and modesty, disliking disloyalty and betrayal.

Asked what viewers can expect from her, she says: “I am beautiful, intelligent, controlling and entertaining. I am funny and witty and I say the most humorous things.

Pokello says if she wins the USD 300 000, she’ll buy a big house for her son and herself, send him to a full-time soccer academy in London and invest in her business.

She a contestant to watch out for.
Pokello for The Chase

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Unrehearsed Captions

Beauty to the Eyes

Sunset at the outskirt of OR Tambo ,Johannesburg

University of South Africa ( UNISA) Pretoria

A view of the OR Tambo airport landing site from the luxurios Protea Hotel OR Tambo.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

7 Secrets of Happy People

What is the formula of lasting joy? Experts uncover the true source of emotional wholeness.
1. Hang out with joyful people
Psychologist John Gottman says that in order to consider a relationship a positive one, we need five positive interactions for every negative one. The point: Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you, and give a wide berth to those who criticise and deplete you.
Being around happy and cheerful people will automatically give you the same feeling as them.
With my classmates from Journalism School in September 2011, Camps Bay Beach Cape Town.
Photo: Katlego Legodi
 2. Move consistently towards your goals
Achieving your goals is the best feeling in human life. Not only do you prove the outside world wrong but you have fulfilled your own request to self. First official meeting with the Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform with Communication interns April 2013, Pretoria.
Photo: Dorethea Samaai
Make commitments ­and then make a point of keeping your word. “The greatest dreams will not be accomplished without discipline and daily effort – ­and that process brings joy,” says the Reverend A.R. Bernard, pastor of New York’s Christian Cultural Center. “It’s about doing the ordinary things extraordinarily well.”
3. Meditate on your blessings

End each day by recalling three moments that made you feel truly grateful: anything from a gorgeous sunrise to the smile of a loved one. Practise sitting in quiet contemplation or. Then keep track of your blessings in a gratitude journal.
4. Be good to yourself
Eat nourishing food and get six to eight hours of sleep every night. And exercise regularly – ­the endorphin boost adds to your feeling of well being and may help prevent diabetes, heart disease and other illnesses. Harvard lecturer Tal Ben-Shahar, PhD, adds: “Research shows that exercising at least three times a week for 30 minutes each session has the same effect as some of our most powerful anti-depressant medication.” And give yourself permission to be human. “When we accept emotions such as fear, sadness and anxiety as natural, we are more able to overcome them,” says Ben-Shahar.
5. Connect with others
Be intentional about building strong bonds with other people. “Your social relationships are a powerful predictor of happiness, much more so than money,” writes Daniel Gilbert in his book Stumbling on Happiness. Indeed, a 2002 University of Illinois study showed that participants who reported the highest level of happiness also reported the strongest ties to friends and family.
6. Go to church – ­ any church
A 2006 Pew Research report revealed that those who attend weekly services – ­ of any faith –­ indicate that they feel much happier than those who attend once a month or less.
7. Give and forgive
Holding on to resentment and anger is an emotional weight that robs you of your joy. Just let it go. “Happiness is spiritual peace ­ with God, with yourself and with others,” explains Bernard. And while you’re handing out pardons, give away a few other things, too: Generosity makes us feel as though we¹re making a difference by creating an environment of connection and love.
By Michelle Burford.
Date of Publication: April 2009 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine
This article is taken from The Oprah Magazine. No copyright ownership

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Published Work of Mine


Since 2011 Ive written stories about the Soshanguve community - a township north of Pretoria. It is a vibrant and cultured place for anyone to be in. Soshanguve has a population of over half-a-million, and according to the Tshwane Investment Projection, in 2006, the township constituted 24, 4 percent of the total population of Tshwane. The gender distribution is 51, 1 % female and 48, 9 % male.The people of Soshanguve speak predominantly Setswana. IsiZulu, IsiNdebele, XiTsonga, Sesotho, TshiVenda and Sepedi are also spoken in this township. And as of lately, Shona is also becoming a widely used language. This is as a result of the influx of Shona-speaking Zimbabwean nationals.
My time spent on researching, sourcing out stories was a lesson indeed. The people Ive met, the friends I made and the moments vreated shall be cherished in my heart forever.Here is a few of my published articles:
My first big story on a correction of naming a widely used main road in Soshanguve.
 This story was on a talent search competition story in a Mabopane shopping centre. Watching all the participants was fun.

The Dance school was such an inspiration to many of the children in Soshanguve Block H. It was great to see a graduate helping out local kids.
Nyaope smoking is one of the most common abused drug in the Tshwane area. Communities, organisations have implemented projects and created awareness yet the drug abuse is still increasing. It was good to know that people are aware of it and want to fight it.

Covering online stories is the most easiest part in Journalism yet the tricky part comes when one has to write a big story in 200 words. I really wanted to to do with the story yet not always can one do so.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Best advice on Happiness

While going through a homepage on the pc I was given when I started here 9 days back. I came across one of the most internationally read magazine's website. Tryed a few pages but the one that most caught my eye was about HAPPINESS.

Written by Kimberly Dawn Neumann an article in the Body and Soul section captured Me. I found myself looking really deep into what happiness is. It is really not that hard. All that we have to do is take a oment and reflect back on our blessings. Like come on not everyone globally has access to the internet. Thats a blessing. You are probally in the latest fashion clothing and in an office of a comfortable lab. Those are blessings enough.

Not to bore you with my cranky examples.... Here is a few of the advice on HAPPINESS.

The Simple Secret To Happiness

Photo from WWW
Studies have shown that no matter how much people already possess, they still focus primarily on what they want next, explains Gilbert. It's a trap researchers call the hedonic treadmill. You know: You finally get your dream couch, then immediately decide you 'need' a new lamp. Or that promotion comes through, but now you're gunning for a snazzier title.

To stop and take stock:
• Flip your brain: Instead of comparing yourself to people based on what you don't have (a friend's awesome job, J.Lo's body), turn around and look at what you do have that someone else might want, says Gilbert. You'll realise just how envy-worthy your life is.
• Start this bedtime ritual: Every night while brushing your teeth, think of three reasons your life is great right now, no matter how simple ('Cute guy smiled at me'). Okay, okay, it sounds dorky, but it will work - research has shown that consciously noting happy moments makes you feel more contented overall, says Schwartz
Don't think: Name the happiest you've been in the last year. You probably didn't say 'Looking at my great shoes,' even if they're your most prized possession. 'Research has found that once people's basic needs are met, having more stuff doesn't increase happiness,' says psychologist Dr Daniel Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness (Vintage). Cut down on clutter and you'll have more room to enjoy yourself.

Try this:
• Buy memories instead of things: When deciding whether to spend your cash on an item or an experience - say, a new designer dress versus a weekend trip with friends - go with the experience, says Gilbert. Most people think the outfit is the better choice because a getaway ends. But the trip will always stay perfect in your mind, while the item (suit, shoes, whatever) will eventually lose its lustre and be taken for granted.

• Live fast: Spend less time getting ready for your life and more time living it by using 'item rotation,' says psychologist Dr Barry Schwartz, author of The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less (Harper Perennial). If you have 10 work skirts, hide five of them so you have fewer choices to stress about each day. Once a month, swap them, and get rid of any you didn't miss while they were hidden.


• Do a digital detox: Being hooked to your BB, iPad and computer means constant pressure to stay in contact… without any face-to-face time. So, go on an occasional tech fast. Don't message people, turn off your cell when you're with someone, and only reply to urgent e-mails. 'You'll connect more with the people around you and feel more a part of your life,' says life coach, Dr Timothy J Moore.

Now that like Me you felt an edge to practice the methods to reach the highest level of HAPPINESS  do take that time tonight when brushing your teeth to reflect.

To read the rest friends you will have to visit their site