Thursday, March 10, 2011

Love your life at Varsity!

Five things you need to know about Varsity

1. Your health is about to change
In three months you will be fat! Let’s face it- the cafeteria
In three months you will be fat! Let’s face it- the cafeteria won’t be open when you need it to be. At 1is when you studying on that subject you hate. This will see you resort to munching on poverty snacks and chips.

2. Certain bars have student nights.
Once you find out which bars offer discounts on students nights, you’ll soon become a regular. You will end up spending time at bars when you should be studying because you think your saving cash.
3. You will live off two minute noodles.
You’re in Varsity –prepare to be broke. I suggest that you stock up on me noodles, with different flavors just for variety.

4. STD’s and other infections!
One in for people on campus has a std. (*actual statistics from Stats’). Even if you do wear a rubber you will catch something somewhere.

5. Sleeping =Fail
Manage your time. Relax and work harder. Don’t install addictive games on your pc. Attend lectures and take notes.

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