Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Spring Love protection!

It’s not just the sun that can burn you this season. This is an article on how to safeguard your heart when it comes to hooking up and breaking up in spring.
Mary-Jane Mabula


t’s not just the weather that gets hot in spring. Boy-girl stuff does too. There is no doubt that the new season (spring) has a big influence on our romantic lives especially us students. There are so many more opportunities for hooking up and partly it’s because we feel better when it’s warmer. Not that it’s all dating, flirting, one- night stands and romance – were more likely to break up in spring too.

Either way, we need to shield ourselves from more than UV rays. Here are a few dating SPF’s to consider so you don’t get burnt while you trying out a spring relationship.


Women tend to shed those extra winter kilos and be more active in summer, so they are generally more confident and feel sexier. Everybody just seems to be in greater spirits during this time, wearing those attention grabbing miniskirts and there’s more to do out and about, so your chances of meeting someone are much higher.


Seasonal romances are often just that uncomplicated fun. There’s nothing wrong with that, unless you start believing it’s something more serious than it is.

 It’s very easy to get swept away by the excitement of a seasonal romance and mistake it for love. Because the two of you are getting on well and enjoying each other’s company so much, you must be right for each other in the longer term.

You need to realise that the “holiday you” and “holiday him” may be very different from who you are in your normal day to day lives. Just like the different you when you go back home these upcoming school holidays.

What seems cool and free spirited at campus may just seem immature in the real world. Another danger is feeling fabulous but not understanding the real reasons. We might fool ourselves into thinking it’s because of the new man in our life that we are suddenly carefree and relaxed.

Bear in mind the excitement might be influencing your behaviour as well as his; you have a better chance of avoiding a broken heart. Try to keep in mind that a fling should just be.


Sometimes a fling does turn out to be the real thing! It’s not that you should abandon any hope of finding long term love just because its spring. You just need to be sure and not make decisions based on the way he treated you at the party last night. If then it feels right and you ready to take a risk, you need to be honest with him about that.

If you know you’re looking for something serious, he has a right to know too. Once you’ve voiced your expectations he can decide whether he wants to stick around or not. Always be aware, though, that even if he will be in it for the long run. Brenda Shoshanna, US psychologist and author of relationship books such as Why Men Leave (Perigee), suggests you take it slow. “Put dreams for the future on the back burner and discover who you’ve actually met and what they are looking for,” she says.


When it comes to sex, you need to be more realistic. Apart from protecting yourself from HIV and STI’s you also need to guard against getting your feelings hurt or your self-confidence shaken. Don’t fool yourself into thinking emotions aren’t relevant when it’s just a fling. As Shoshanna says, “All relationships have consequences.” Will you really be okay with it if he shows no further interest in you after a night of hot sex? You could end up feeling rejected.

Be honest with yourself. If you know it’s really casual sex with no further comitteements. Face that fact. Just like an ordinary 20 year old student I too know it’s hard for us women to have sex with no emotional attachment. If you don’t think you can handle it, don’t do it.


In conclusion it’s much better to be dumped in summer than in winter. With winter break-ups you tend to stay inside and pile on weight. I’m saying this from experience because a week ago I got dumped after a four month “winter relationship”. In summer there’s more to do, you can be outdoors, you can really get out there and do something for yourself and meet new people like I have (gone on 4 dates already) and have fun with friends. Plus in spring we are much more active than in winter. There is always something to do.

Of course a break up is never pleasant, no matter what time of the year it is but I’m just saying it’s easier in now. If he left you because its warmer and he want to be with a slimmer woman, we’ll let him be. You are better off. Embrace being you and find a hobby that will cheer you up.

Mamazala’s Get a helping hand

Mary-Jane Mabula                                                                                                                   

                                             Members of Pasma working on Block M residence.

The Pan African Student Movement of Azania (PASMA) gave a helping hand to the residence cleaners known as Mamazala’s of the Tshwane University of Technology Soshanguve North Campus. This took place on September 23. “We just got here and they told us to relax, we were all surprised by them. It was our first time seeing such.” said Mamazala Dipuo Mphahlele. PASMA as part of their women empowerment campaign have run with this initiative as a follow up to continue helping women at the university.

“As a structure we saw a need to help our parents and that they should take a break. This is not us trying to win votes but trying to empower women as part of our social upliftment. ” Said Khoisan Sonti PASMA member. They started cleaning from the corridors to the kitchens of the North Campus residences. “We acknowledge what PASMA is doing for our Mamazala’s and we thank them. This shows that they do care, not only for us as students but all people here on campus.” Said Sibongile Mahlaola, student resident. PASMA promised that the cleaning will continue to the south campus of the university in the following week.


Mary-Jane Mabula                       

It was the beautiful voices that caught my attention while digging in a bowl of All bran flakes in the morning of September 23. As I listened attentively I noticed that people were ululating and cheering. Though to myself, “If I was at home I would say there’s a wedding next door, problem is I’m at home.” Like a journalist would do, I got my equipment ready and went to hunt for a story.

Students and lecturers went back to their roots and wore their cultural wear. The represented all african wear with a bit of a modern touch.

The Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) Education Department hosted a Heritage Day celebration were they embraced the cultural diversity of the faculty and the rest of the institution. From the lecturers to the students they all wore their cultural garments. “I feel proud to be in my cultural clothing because I feel natural and unmodified.” said Bongani Mahlangu, student. There were Swazi’s, Basotho, Zulu’s ,Bapedi and the list goes on.

The students showed great interest and support into the activities that took place during the vibrant celebration of one’s heritage. The programme kept them on their toes with dance performance by various group including the lecturers, a play that highlighted the concept of a ‘Calling’, storytelling and poetry. The day ended with a singing parade around the TCE residence.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pre -Winter Fashion 101

Winter has left some of us thinking we cant go out coz we aint got the right outfit, the right colours, the right shoes... here are some tips from the ordinary people of PTA on how to rock it.
ZoZo at ShortLeft Club.
Jeans and a white vintage blouse keeps you looking simple yet classy!

Katlego at Mabopane.
Not too formal not too casual.This is called the Smart Wear.
Ideal for partying!

Ms Edith at Mabopane.
Grey and Black are the colours of winter but heat it up with a tint of bright colour!

Kattz at ShortLeft.
There isnt an excuse to put away your shades in winter.
Rock em but keep em simple!

Ms Edith at TCE Campus.
Even when you going short rock the colour that fits the season.
Black, Grey, Purple and Blue are the way to go!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Safe place by Lebo Mashile

I will keep you in a safe place
Where the walls speak
And the doors don’t have locks
Where the roads intersect
And collisions are encouraged
Where each throbbing tremor
Is listened to
And the children never grow old
I will keep you in a safe place
Where heaven is beneath your feet
And hell is in the sky
And the road you’ve walked
Is your guide
The sweat on your back
The cracks on your heels
Are plastered to the walls

The walls never shut up
They speak you to yourself
They will find you
Between two covers
In the words between the lines
Our friends are pillars, our motivation when Kelly Rowland aint there to sing it to us.
Our friends are the people we are we just hate to admit it. what they like we do also. what they eat we do also. That new video by Beyonce we like the love it too. Trust and honour them. Respect and celebrate them for they will render to us the same! Party together, laugh together, work together, pray together but dont get it twisted dont do the same mistakes! 

Friday, June 24, 2011


At your Best

by Mary-Jane Mabula on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 9:41am

I can never offer you anything greater than my Love
I can forever render you my heart
I have seen you at your best
Seen you at your most
Breathing on Me like you on that ‘Tip’
I have seen you in a different mindset and I liked it

You’ve made I feel high and hot at the same time
Had me crying out the words I LOVE YOU while you moving on Me
You’ve made I, a woman in full and complete
Had Me flying outta my body like a ghost
Your Loving has been the best.

My days are short now that you in my mind all day
My body in excitement over our last session
My temple yearning more for your giving’s
My eyes sparkling with the Euphoria in Me

I will forever be yours by mind, body and soul
What I’ve seen and felt in your arms is more than Love itself
More than the sweet kisses you share with Me
More than the soft breezy touches I’ve felt
More than the stares you give Me after making Love
More than the caresses you tease Me with
What Ive felt and seen in your arms is Honesty
What you are is Love at its extreme extra Best

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

BlazinLuv Creations!: We are on a Roadtrip!

BlazinLuv Creations!: We are on a Roadtrip!: "We are on a Roadtrip by Emilan Meyers \ Only time will tell whether everything will go well. What is said, is said What ..."

We are on a Roadtrip!

We are on a Roadtrip by Emilan Meyers


Only time will tell whether everything will go well.
What is said, is said
What is done, is done
We  cant change the past
But we can strive  to better ourselves and our future
Making the best of what we have
Giving away all the we can:
Not taking anything for granted
Making the most of what we have, no matter how small
Giving all that and more
The world is our stage:
We must perform at our best
We practice and correct our wrongs
So that we cant  be blamed for spoiling the show
Now is the time for you and me
To do all that we can helping each other on this road trip*

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Love your life at Varsity!

Five things you need to know about Varsity

1. Your health is about to change
In three months you will be fat! Let’s face it- the cafeteria
In three months you will be fat! Let’s face it- the cafeteria won’t be open when you need it to be. At 1is when you studying on that subject you hate. This will see you resort to munching on poverty snacks and chips.

2. Certain bars have student nights.
Once you find out which bars offer discounts on students nights, you’ll soon become a regular. You will end up spending time at bars when you should be studying because you think your saving cash.
3. You will live off two minute noodles.
You’re in Varsity –prepare to be broke. I suggest that you stock up on me noodles, with different flavors just for variety.

4. STD’s and other infections!
One in for people on campus has a std. (*actual statistics from Stats’). Even if you do wear a rubber you will catch something somewhere.

5. Sleeping =Fail
Manage your time. Relax and work harder. Don’t install addictive games on your pc. Attend lectures and take notes.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Ive learned about Blogging!

*      Commitment.
If you want to gain a following, you can’t do things half-heartedly. Commitment means doing something, even if the output and input aren’t balancing out yet.  Ive learned that news agencies are fully commited to their duty. That is why they post new stories every 30 minutes with credible news.
*      You can blog about anything, anytime just so long as you believe it.
If you post positive, truthful and credible information on your blog , that’s when you shall be active in your blogging. Believing in what you write, allows people to enjoy what you give to them. Anything can be videos, pictures and sounds.
*      Blogging is a digital phenomenon that allows real life to be translated to others.
Based on my research on news websites, they are diverse sites yet aiming for one purpose: to translate what the world can see or access themselves. Today I know what is happening in Egypt. Ive seen the images of how the demonstrators are being killed and violated. It’s a digital  world were everything is under a control of a click.
*      Give. Help. Share.
Blogs let you give your opinion to your followers and those viewing your blog. Help can be offered through the channel of blogging. News organizations use blogs to give information, share news and ask viewers to give comment and help.
*      Excuses aren’t helpful.
There are a million excuses why some blogs  haven’t developed a following. Pictures aren’t good enough. The  website wasn’t professionally done.  Posts are not crediable and interesting. The multimedia elements are not well developed. A blogger just has to have commitment and trust in the blog.
*      Running this blog has been a wonderful learning experience
Blogging has granted me a good deal more perspective – on the blogging process and on myself as a human being. It’s been both frustrating and rewarding, discouraging and enlightening, in ways I never imagined. It has taken time, and brought pleasure and joy; both in great measure. Blogging has been enjoyable.
Hyperlinks of news websites in South Africa.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Local News | Cape Town
Learners fight to keep Simon Estes Music School opened
Malungelo Booi | 1 Hour Ago

Poem: Poetry

Its been a day without you
Its been a week missing you
Its been a month stranded without you
My heart longing to be in your spirit
my heart belonging to no one , no where!

As I caress this paper with this pen
my mind is evoked with excitement of words
My mind turned on with excitement of Poetry
Im happy, Im proud, Im found no more am I lonely

Poetry my Love
Poetry my Home
Poetry my Soul
Poetry my Poetry

Its been a day with you
Its been a week with you
Its been a month comforted by you
My heart longing for our next session
My heart belonging to you, in my Soul.