Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Ive learned about Blogging!

*      Commitment.
If you want to gain a following, you can’t do things half-heartedly. Commitment means doing something, even if the output and input aren’t balancing out yet.  Ive learned that news agencies are fully commited to their duty. That is why they post new stories every 30 minutes with credible news.
*      You can blog about anything, anytime just so long as you believe it.
If you post positive, truthful and credible information on your blog , that’s when you shall be active in your blogging. Believing in what you write, allows people to enjoy what you give to them. Anything can be videos, pictures and sounds.
*      Blogging is a digital phenomenon that allows real life to be translated to others.
Based on my research on news websites, they are diverse sites yet aiming for one purpose: to translate what the world can see or access themselves. Today I know what is happening in Egypt. Ive seen the images of how the demonstrators are being killed and violated. It’s a digital  world were everything is under a control of a click.
*      Give. Help. Share.
Blogs let you give your opinion to your followers and those viewing your blog. Help can be offered through the channel of blogging. News organizations use blogs to give information, share news and ask viewers to give comment and help.
*      Excuses aren’t helpful.
There are a million excuses why some blogs  haven’t developed a following. Pictures aren’t good enough. The  website wasn’t professionally done.  Posts are not crediable and interesting. The multimedia elements are not well developed. A blogger just has to have commitment and trust in the blog.
*      Running this blog has been a wonderful learning experience
Blogging has granted me a good deal more perspective – on the blogging process and on myself as a human being. It’s been both frustrating and rewarding, discouraging and enlightening, in ways I never imagined. It has taken time, and brought pleasure and joy; both in great measure. Blogging has been enjoyable.
Hyperlinks of news websites in South Africa.

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